PASQUE FLOWER (Anemone Pulsatilla) Family: Ranunculaceae Temperament: warm & dry Planet: Mercury Astrological sign: Gemini Chakra: Heart or Crown? Parts used: the whole herb, gathered soon after flowering. Constituents: Anemonin is the main active constituent; however it also contains small amounts of triterpenoid saponins, tannins, and volatile oil Pharmacology: When it is harvested fresh it is toxic due to the presence of a glucoside called ranunculin. Ranunculin is a terpenoid lactone. When the herb is cut, crushed, or freeze dried, in the presence of water an enzyme is released that degrades the ranunculin to form protoanemonin. Protoanemonin is very irritating to the skin but is unstable and dimerises to form nontoxic anemonin. Appearing from April to June, this delicate, wispy, feathery leaved plant with beautiful violet purple coloured flowers, is known as “Easter flower.” It is also known as “Windflower” due to its downy seeds being beaten about by the wind. According to Greek legend, it sprang from the tears of Venus. It may look frail but it is a powerful plant and should not be used fresh or in large doses. Actions: nerve relaxant, especially for females, mild sedative, alterative, antibacterial, mild analgesic, and antispasmodic. Uses: Inflammation of ovaries, testicles, epididymitis, & prostate gland. Urinary infections. PMT, menopausal hot flushes, painful menstruation, tearful, over-sensitive women. Hyperactivity & insomnia. Adrenal exhaustion, schizophrenia, senile dementia. Hearing loss & earache. Measles, chicken pox & mumps. Preparations: From dried plant only. 1:10 tincture, 25% alcohol = 0.5 to 3ml three times a day